Mixed Mens and Ladies Doubles, Mens Doubles, Ladies Doubles, Junior Singles, Junior Doubles, Men and Ladies Pennant
THIS GIRL CAN 12-18th September Free Cardio and Tennis Lessons in a friendly environment Kids welcome Monday 12th September 9.30-11am Wednesday 14th September 9.30-11am Friday 16th September 9.30-11am Bookings essential Phone Laszlo on 0425 785 792 / Christine 0412 185 878
Tennis Only is Australia’s premier and largest Tennis Speciality Retail. Providing consumers with a massive range of tennis products. 10% discount* Code: PLENTYCLUB *Excludes balls, string machines ,ball machines, gift cards and some already reduced items. Go to
Comp is on Monday to Thursday from 7.30pm Friday night from 6pm Saturday morning 8 am -12pm. The courts are not available during competition times. Courts are free all during the day and up until 7.30pm Coaching is usually on between 3.30pm- 7.30pm but there are usually courts available.